LowCost Interlock Resources
Feel free to contact us directly for support
My devices is displaying:
Fail – if a red screen with “Fail” appears on the display, the device detected alcohol. If you have not consumed alcohol, you are encouraged to test
again as soon as the device allows. Rinse your mouth or air your vehicle out.
(x) days To Next Service – your countdown reminder. If you go pass the date, the unit will lock out. Most monitoring authorities allow a grace period of 3 or more days.
Recall Locked – requires you to return to your service center to reset the device within a set time.
Breath Profile Out of Range – the device detected an oddity in your breath sample not characteristic with human breath.
^ It is possible for this to occur when the outside temperature is very cold!
In this case, warm the device prior to taking a sample by placing the device in front of the vehicle’s heater vent or in your jacket. Then before testing, take a deep breath and hold for 15 seconds, then blow into the device. It literally says this in the user manual.
False Positive – The device’s sensor is alcohol specific, meaning it will only detect alcohol. If you use an alcohol based product, such as mouthwash, the result is not false. The device is detecting alcohol.
Unit in Lock Out – The device will display this if any of the following violations are recorded:
Keypad Functions:
Press the two yellow dots simultaneously
- To trigger the device’s screen to come on
- To open the device’s main menu, press the center button to select
My device is acting funny:
Contact us or LowCost Interlock immediately.
Be sure to make a note of the date and time your device displays odd behavior.
Videos and photos of display can help our technicians as well.
My vehicle is not starting:
Contact us or LowCost Interlock immediately.
Note that your vehicle may fail to start for reasons outside of having an interlock installed.
Let our technicians or help desk guide you through common trouble shooting steps.